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City life involves high traffic. A car under three meters is ideal for urban wildness.

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Parking Space

With a Smart car, you can be sure you will find a parking space. Faster.

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It’s so hard to find a better car if you need fuel economy, especially in the city traffic.

The worldwide Smart fans are organizing a worldwide event each year, in a different location. Each passionate is invited, and you can participate with any Smart car model. Even if you don’t have a Smart yet, you can follow our community. Follow us on our Social Media Accounts!

We are waiting for the next Smart Times event.








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Smart Fortwo Electric Drive Testare

Experienta cu Smart Fortwo Electric Am primit pentru cateva zile un Smart Fortwo Electric Drive din 2013 frumos si ingrijit. Era chiar frumos, dar avea un defect estetic si aici vine doza de subiectivitate... sau nu? Jantele din otel/tabla sunt defectul. Cand urmeaza...

Consum Smart Fortwo

De data aceasta va fi altfel. Se poate citi pe mai multe surse cam ce consumuri declarate sau reale au diversi posesori de Smarturi. Noi vom scrie ce consumuri avem noi si apoi asteptam feed-bacurile si consumurile voastre. Vom face o medie in functie de motorizare /...

Smart Fortwo Electric

Smartul Electric Drive ajunge la a patra generatie si probabil va avea mult mai mult succes datorita trendului prietenos cu mediul. Cele mai cunoscute variante electrice sunt pe Smart Fortwo 451 si cea noua pe Smart Fortwo 453, iar combinatia de culori des intalnita...

Our Smart passion has no limits.

Our online story started in 2016. We are trying to study and find a lot of beautiful and helpful information about these little cars. You can contribute with technical information, events information, or any other interesting Smart ideas.